Dr. Yogesh M. Vaghela
Director Critical Care Services at Phoenix Emergency and Critical Care Hospital (Bhuyangdev) & Phoenix Hospital Naroda (Naroda).
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Professional Experience
Joined Phoenix Institute of Critical Care in July 2015.
Director Critical Care Services at Phoenix Emergency and Critical Care Hospital, Bhuyangdev Cross Road, Sola Road, Ahmedabad. from 2017- till date.
Director Critical Care Services at Phoenix Hospital Naroda, City Centre Arcade, Naroda Patiya Cross Road, Ahmedabad. from 2017- till date.
[2014-2015] Consultant Intensivist at Anand Surgical Hospital (Memco Cross Road, Ahmedabad).
[2015-2016] Consultant Intensivist at Aashka Hospital (Gandhinagar).
[2016-2017] Consultant Intensivist at Sushrusha Hospital (Navrangpura, Ahmedabad).
One year of experience as a registrar in Critical Care Medicine [Indian Diploma in Critical Care Medicine (IDCCM)] at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India.
Areas of Expertise
- Multidisciplinary Critical Care Unit
- Antibiotic de-escalation practices in I.C.U.
- Therapeutic Hypothermia in post cardiac arrest patients.
- Ventilator management of patient with ARDS
M.B.B.S. | M.D. (Anaesthesiology) | IDCCM. FNB (Critical Care) | EDIC
Phoenix Emergency & Critical Care Hospital, Ahmedabad (Bhuyangdev), GJ, IND.
Phoenix Hospital Naroda, City Centre Arcade, Naroda Patiya Cross Road, Ahmedabad, GJ, IND.
Key Skills
- Experienced in Multidisciplinary Critical Care Unit.
- Experienced in managing critically ill – medical, surgical, trauma, obstetrics & gynaec, transplant, oncology, etc. patients.
- Trained and experienced with I.C.U procedures like Intubation, Central line, Arterial line, Swan-ganz catheterization, Intercostal drainage, percutaneous Tracheostomy, etc.
- Experienced in actively managing patients of – Severe Sepsis, Septic Shock, Severe ARDS, Severe Acute Pancreatitis, Polytrauma including traumatic brain injury, Stroke, Preeclampsia, Eclampsia, Poisoning and Cardiogenic Shock, etc.
Appropriateness and de-escalation of empiric antibiotic therapy in the intensive care unit.
Therapeutic hypothermia: A cool concept with hot results.
Paper Presentation & Conferences
- Poster Presentation at CRITICARE 2014, 20th Annual Conference Of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine on “Appropriateness and De-escalation of Empirical Antibiotic Therapy in The Intensive Care Unit ”
- Paper Presentation at 55th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist at Visakhapatnam on "Comparative Study of Total Intravenous Anesthesia [TIVA] with Balanced Anaesthesia Technique [Inhalation Agent] for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy".
- Paper Presentation at Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist on "A Comparative Study of Different doses of Clonidine with Bupivacaine in Spinal Anaesthesia in 45 cases for Lower limb surgery.”
- Attended CRITICARE 2014, 20th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine at Jaipur.
- Attended MECHANICAL VENTILATION ADVANCED COURSE organized by ISCCM-Chennai Branch.July-2013.
- Attended 7th Annual Refresher course organized by ISCCMChennai Branch. Dec.-2013.
- Attended Workshop on HEMODYNAMIC MONITORING organized by ISCCM- Chennai Branch. July-2013.
- Fundamental Critical Care Support (FCCS) recognized by Society of Critical Care Medicine. (Dec.2011).
- Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course for doctors at AIIMS Trauma center (Nov.2011) According to standard established by ACS committee on trauma.
- Attended 9th Annual Conference of ISCCM- Delhi & NCR Chapter. Aug -2011.
- Attended workshop on Mechanical Ventilation DCCS- Aug.2011.
- Basic life support provider course & Advanced cardiac life support Provider course (BLS & ACLS) certified by American Heart Association (AHA). Aug.2011
- Attended 17th Annual Conference of ISCCM. NewDelhi.Feb-2011.
- NEURO-CRITICAL CARE course at New Delhi. Feb. 2011.
- Actively participated in the Basic Mechanical Ventilation Workshop on 31st August 2008 organized by Association of Physician of Ahmedabad at Ahmedabad.
Medical Education/Qualification
Fellowship of National Board (FNB)
accredited by National Board of Examination (DNB) in Critical Care Medicine from Apollo Hospital, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. (Mar 2012-Mar2014).
European Diploma in Intensive Care (EDIC-I)
Indian Diploma in Critical Care Medicine (IDCCM)
Indian Diploma in Critical Care Medicine (IDCCM) from Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. (Jan 2011 – Jan 2012).
M.D. Anaesthesiology
M.D. Anaesthesiology from Smt.N.H.L.Med.college, Gujarat University [69.6%], Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. (2010).
M.B.B.S. From Smt.N.H.L.Med.college, Gujarat University [59.83%], Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
H.S.C. March -2001 From G.S.E.B.[84.15%]
S.S.C. March -1999 From G.S.E.B.[84.71%]