Care & Treatment for critical diseases: Respiratory failure, Organ failure, Multiorgan failure.
Anemic Heart Failure, HUS/TTP, Neutropenic Sepsis, Tumor Lysis Syndrome, Perichemotheraphy Care.
Suicidal & accidental poisoning requires immediate resuscitation to avoid multiorgan involvement.
Care & Treatment for GI critical diseases: Acute Liver Failure, Acute Pancreatitis, Gastro Intestinal Bleeding.
revent, manage, and cure acute disorders of kidney function, sepsis, acute organ failure & organ support.
An intensive care unit devoted to the care of patients with immediately life-threatening neurological problems.
Intensive Care specialists or intensivists, who work with trained team for emergency diseases of the respiratory or pulmonary system.
Care & Treatment that meets the needs of women through all the stages of life. Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia & APH/PPH.
A specialized cardiac critical care hospital in Ahmedabad designed to treat people with serious or acute heart problems.
Care & Treatment for surgical critical illness: surgery related to the care of patients with acute, life-threatening surgical conditions.